Monday, April 21, 2014

Distant Worlds Final Fantasy BERLIN

Yeah I was at the Final Fantasy concert in Berlin!!!

The concert was AMAZING! People were crying cause it was such an emotional event. It was their first time performing in Berlin. I've been wanting to go to this concert since 2010(?) when they were having a concert in Sweden.

I bought a VIP ticket so that I had a chance to MEET & GREET Uematsu Nobuo and Arnie Roth!
Almost fainted, was shaking as hell so that people had to help me put the CD back in it's box.

But why am I writing about this here? Cause I was cosplaying!

There were a few other cosplayers besides me, I spotted a Rinoa, Cloud, Aerith, maybe a Sephiroth. And my new friends had told me that they also saw Snow and Vanille.
The clothing styled varied, some were dressed up in dresses and suits while other had just plain everyday clothes.

I had a hard time deciding what to wear and so I ended up in Rinoa's ballroom dress! But I didn't wear a wig which made it a bit more comfortable.

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